ScrumBut as an Indicator of Process Debt
Ramirez Lahti, J., Tuovinen, A.-P., Mikkonen, T., & Capilla, R. (2022). ScrumBut as an Indicator of Process Debt. In G. M. Callico, R. Hebig, & A. Wortmann (Eds.), SEAA 2022 : 48th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (pp. 318-321). IEEE Computer Society Press. Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications.
© 2022, IEEE
Technical debt analysis is used to detect problems in a codebase. Most technical debt indicators rely on measuring the quality of the code, as developers tend to induce recurring technical debt that emerges along with evolution cycles. This debt can emerge when project pressure leads to process deviations, for instance. In agile methods like Scrum, such deviations are commonly known as ScrumButs (like Scrum but …), which can be considered as a form of process debt. In this paper, we investigate two recurring signs of process debt (i.e. code smells and anti-patterns) caused by Scrumbuts. Our contribution investigates typical ScrumBut practices found in agile projects in one company and we report the relationships found between problems in code and ScrumBut issues. Our findings identify three types of ScrumButs, their root causes, and how these relate to concrete code smells and anti-patterns.
IEEE Computer Society PressParent publication ISBN
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SEAA 2022 : 48th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced ApplicationsISSN Search the Publication Forum
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