Representations of Families in Children’s Literature
2022This qualitative study examines representations of families in nineteen fictional picture books for young children. The aim of this thesis is to understand how families are constructed and presented in children’s literature, in terms of different family structures, functioning systems and interrelationships. Further discussion also considers the use of children’s literature in both family and educational environments. Family theories, language learning and children’s learning and development around the ages of 3-7 years are considered in relation to the chosen books. Four stages of iterative content analysis are utilised to consider the stories over eight interrelated categories, which are then presented and discussed to address the research questions. Findings included a broad range of family types and relationships within the selected literature. The family were supportive of the child protagonists. Lead caregivers varied in age, gender and familial relationships, and the presence of parents, siblings, pets, and extended family also varied. Considerable context was given though illustration, and roles were defined though both text and illustration. These stories were short, welcoming, and often humorous, but the themes within them and the potential for deep learning and consideration of heavy topics suggests that children’s literature is an undervalued medium for learning and development. Adults, both in an educator and a caregiver role, could benefit greatly from exploring children’s literature.

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