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Recent Submissions
Yliopisto-opiskelijoiden monikielinen vuorovaikutusosaaminen ja sen kehittyminen : seurantakysely itsearvioinnin välineenä
(Prologos ry; Tampereen yliopisto, 2022) -
Debating wisdom: There Can be No Psychology of Wisdom without Wisdom in Psychology
(European Society for Research in Adult Development, 2023)The highest forms of adult development have been called as “reaching of wisdom”, as E.H. Erikson for example put it. There are, of course, many definitions of wisdom, and many approaches, methods, and disciplines to study ... -
En olisi huolissani osaamisesta, viisaudesta pikemminkin
(Kansanvalistusseura; Aikuiskasvatuksen tutkimusseura, 2020)Ammattikorkeakoulujen tavoitteet on ajateltava uusiksi ekososiaalisen sivistyksen pohjalta. -
Upskilling of Academics' Pedagogical Professionalism : Trainers’ and Participants’ Experiences of University Pedagogical Courses
(European Educational Research Association, 2022) -
Virtual Reality for Collaborative Learning in Teacher Education
(International society of the learning sciences, 2022)This poster discusses the potential of virtual reality (VR) for collaborative learning. VR can provide engaging, social and creative digital environments for collaborative knowledge construction but its pedagogically ...