Engraved in the Body : Ways of Reading Finnish People's Memories of Mental Hospitals
Jäntti, S., Heimonen, K., Kuuva, S., Maanmieli, K., & Rissanen, A. (2021). Engraved in the Body : Ways of Reading Finnish People's Memories of Mental Hospitals. In M. Borcsa, & C. Willig (Eds.), Qualitative Research Methods in Mental Health : Innovative and Collaborative Approaches (pp. 219-249). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-65331-6_10
© The Author(s) 2021, corrected publication 2022
Finnish psychiatric practice has been heavily based on institutionalization. Mental hospitalsMental hospital have thus been part of Finns' lives in many ways. Our multidisciplinary researchMultidisciplinary research group has investigated how experiences in these institutions are remembered today by analysing writings by patients, relatives, personnel and their children, collected in 2014--2015 with the Finnish Literature Society. The memoriesMemory cover phases of psychiatric care from the 1930s to the mid-2010s. This article presents multiple ways in which experiences that are often difficult verbalize can be interpreted, e.g. by drawing on perspectives from creative, artistic and cultural studies. Collecting and archiving the memoriesMemory emphasizes their importance as part of national memoryMemory. Historical contextualization shows consistencies and inconsistencies in the treatment and organization of psychiatric care in FinlandFinland. The analysis of figurative languageFigurative language as a means of conveying traumatic experiences reveals narrative strategies employed to express abusive memoriesMemory. Artistic researchArtistic research that includes somatic movement practice exemplifies possibilities of researching the memoriesMemory through corporealityCorporeality. The examination of the memoriesMemory of the children of the staff in psychiatric hospitals provides new insights into historical psychiatric hospitals as emotional communities. The different ways of engaging---thematically, corporeally, conceptually, theoretically---with the texts complement each other, reveal the multilayeredness of the memoriesMemory and help create a richer understanding of the social, cultural and economic significance of the hospitals. Attention to the body, affectsAffect and emotionsEmotion can help generate both new practices, new research questionsResearch questions and new ways of engaging the public with the results of academic research.
Springer International PublishingEmojulkaisun ISBN
978-3-030-65330-9Kuuluu julkaisuun
Qualitative Research Methods in Mental Health : Innovative and Collaborative ApproachesAsiasanat
mental hospital mental illness history of psychiatry Finland archives artistic research figurative language memory affect emotion corporeality multidisciplinary research psykiatrinen hoito mielisairaalat psykiatriset sairaalat taiteellinen tutkimus traumat muistaminen ruumiillisuus psykiatriset potilaat muistot taide tunteet muisti (kognitio)
Julkaisu tutkimustietojärjestelmässä
Näytä kaikki kuvailutiedotKokoelmat
Koneen SäätiöRahoitusohjelmat(t)
SäätiöLisätietoja rahoituksesta
The research has been funded by the Kone Foundation in 2017–2021.Lisenssi
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