An intergenerational competency framework : Competencies for knowledge sustainability and start‐up development in the digital age
Nurhas, I., Geisler, S., & Pawlowski, J. (2022). An intergenerational competency framework : Competencies for knowledge sustainability and start‐up development in the digital age. Sustainable development, 30(6), 1733-1748.
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Sustainable developmentDate
© 2022 the Authors
In this study, we looked at the competencies and changes in the competency spectrum required for global start-ups in the digital age. Specifically, we explored intergenerational collaboration as an intervention in which experienced business-people from senior adult groups support young entrepreneurs. We conducted a Delphi study with 20 experts from different disciplines, considering the study context. The results of this study shed light on understanding the necessary competencies of entrepreneurs for intergenerationally supported start-up innovation by providing 27 competencies categorized as follows: intergenerational safety facilitation, cultural awareness, virtues for growth, effectual creativity, technical expertise, responsive teamwork, values-based organization, and sustainable network development. In addition, the study results also reveal the competency priorities and the minimum requirements for each competency group based on the global innovation process and can be used to develop a readiness assessment for start-up entrepreneurs.
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Additional information about funding
Irawan Nurhas's work is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia at the Institute of Positive Computing-Hochschule Ruhr West. Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.License
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