UML Artefacts for a Blockchain-enabled Platform for Fairtrade
Sharma, R., Kshetri, N., Wingreen, S., & Shaikh, A. A. (2021). UML Artefacts for a Blockchain-enabled Platform for Fairtrade. In ICEB 2021 : Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Electronic Business (Article 24). International Consortium for Electronic Business. Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Business.
Julkaistu sarjassa
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic BusinessPäivämäärä
© 2021 AISeL
Fairtrade-certified products have successfully entered the mainstream distribution channels mostly in developed countries, and these products are now sold in famous supermarket chains. Nonetheless, the packaging and labeling of products as “Fairtrade” commands premium pricing in the marketplace. How much of this, however, is valid and justified? Despite the reputable certification mechanisms for quality assurance, mass media reports suggest that much of the “surplus value” goes to the accreditation agencies themselves instead of the producers. This article proposes an agenda to set this right with a blockchain platform that provides “trust-free” assurances of verifiable labeling. Using an Action Design Research methodology, we have specified a research prototype of a Blockchain-enabled Fair-Trade platform Unified Modelling Language artefacts. We believe this will set the direction for social inclusion as part of information systems scholars’ aspiration to promote “tech for good”.
International Consortium for Electronic BusinessKonferenssi
International Conference on Electronic BusinessKuuluu julkaisuun
ICEB 2021 : Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Electronic BusinessISSN Hae Julkaisufoorumista
digitaaliset alustat seurantajärjestelmät fairtrade blockchain digital platforms eettinen kulutus alustatalous seuranta yhteiskuntavastuu hinnoittelu yhteiskunnallinen yrittäjyys sosiaalinen oikeudenmukaisuus esineiden internet voitonjako tuotto sähköiset palvelut arvoketjut toimitusketjut lohkoketjut tekoäly luotettavuus tietojärjestelmät reilu kauppa jakelutiet avoin lähdekoodi tuotteet sosiaaliset yritykset pakkausmerkinnät kestävä kulutus
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