Views from the Inside : Roles of Deputy Directors in Early Childhood Education in Finland
Halttunen, L., & Waniganayake, M. (2021). Views from the Inside : Roles of Deputy Directors in Early Childhood Education in Finland. Education Sciences, 11(11), 751.
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Education SciencesDate
© 2021 the Authors
This study explored the perceptions of deputy directors about their leadership in Early Childhood Education (ECE) centres in Finland. Our aim was to look beyond task distribution and understand how deputy directors enacted leadership with their colleagues. Six deputy directors employed in one municipality in Finland participated in this study. Interviewed individually, the participants discussed how they themselves perceived being in a leadership position and what their leadership looked like in practice. The emphasis they placed on the various relationships highlight the importance of paying attention to the relational dynamics amongst staff within a centre, taking into account both formal and informal authority. Given the increasing global interest in understanding leadership enactment within ECE centres, and its connection with quality service provision, knowledge of the positional leadership roles of deputy directors is of importance to the ECE sector. This is one of the first studies dedicated to exploring the work of ECE deputy directors.
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apulaisjohtajat jaettu johtajuus early childhood leadership deputy directors pedagogical leadership johtajuus työn organisointi vuorovaikutus työelämän suhteet johtaminen väliportaan hallinto yhteistyö varhaiskasvatus työyhteisöt esihenkilötyö päätöksenteko esihenkilöt keskijohto päiväkodit pedagoginen johtaminen johtajat
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