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dc.contributor.authorHolopainen, Sinikka
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the theoretical section was to examine all the phenomena, which are associated with the development of motor skill, and the pedagogical importance of motor skill. In the empirical section three main problems were isolated: 1) The change of level in, and the structure of the motor skills of boys and girls were described. 2) The fast periods in the development of motor skill were examined, and explained by biological age, and change of somatotype, and their associations with sporting activities and interests, and changes in motor activity, and the intensity of sports teaching. 3) The pedagogical importance of motor skills was examined in terms of Sonstrœms theory. The hypotheses involving somatotype, biological age, and the perceived competence in motor skills were confirmed. Ecto-mesomorphs were the best in performances, in which the ability to support or transport the body weight was decisive. Biological ageexplained the level of strength and speed of girls in agerange of 11 to 13 years. Teaching of motor skills in childhood resulted in an improved level of motor skills in youth, especially in apparatus gymnastics. Physical education, the level of skill achieved, and perceived physical competence made up the following chain: Sporting activity and interest were associated with the change of somatotype, and the level of sports skills. The level of sports skills was associated positively with self-esteem via perceived physical competence.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesStudies in Sport, Physical Education and Health
dc.rightsIn Copyright
dc.titleKoululaisten liikuntataidot : motorisen taitavuuden kehittyminen kehon rakenteen, kehitysiän ja liikuntaharrastusten selittämänä ja taitavuuden pedagoginen merkitys

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