The complete mitochondrial genome of the wood tiger moth (Arctia plantaginis) and phylogenetic analyses within Arctiinae
Galarza, J. A., & Mappes, J. (2021). The complete mitochondrial genome of the wood tiger moth (Arctia plantaginis) and phylogenetic analyses within Arctiinae. Mitochondrial DNA Part B : Resources, 6(8), 2171-2173.
Published in
Mitochondrial DNA Part B : ResourcesDate
Evoluutiotutkimus (huippuyksikkö)Ekologia ja evoluutiobiologiaCentre of Excellence in Evolutionary ResearchEcology and Evolutionary BiologyCopyright
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa
UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis
We report the assembly and annotation of the complete mitochondrial genome of the warningly-coloured wood tiger moth (Arctia plantaginis) and investigate its phylogenetic position within Arctiinae. The A.plantaginis mitogenome is 15,479 bp long with 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNAs, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, and an A + T-rich region (D-loop). The phylogenetic analyses based on 13 protein-coding genes showed A.plantaginis clustering within a clade of species with white wings and yellow or red bodies. This result can be useful in understanding the evolution of coloration in Arctiid moths.
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Research costs of Academy Professor, AoF; Academy Project, AoFAdditional information about funding
This project was funded by the Academy of Finland grant 322536 to JAG and 320438 to JM.License
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