Public sector reputation and netpromoter score
Luoma-aho, V., Canel, M. J., & Hakola, J. (2021). Public sector reputation and netpromoter score. International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 18(3), 419-446.
Digitaalinen liiketoiminta ja talous (painoala)Viestinnän johtaminenDigital marketing and CommunicationBasic or discovery scholarshipDigital Business and Economy (focus area)Corporate CommunicationDigital marketing and CommunicationBasic or discovery scholarshipCopyright
© The Author(s) 2021
Reputation of public sector organizations is increasingly formed through Word of Mouth (WOM) as citizens and stakeholders share their experiences with others both online and offline. Understanding and measuring WOM is a challenge for many public sector organizations, who often resort to measurement tools designed for the private sector. This paper looks at a popular WOM measurement tool, namely the Net Promoter Score (NPS) in the context of public sector organizations. In this paper, we ask how well does the NPS describe public sector reputation, and look at what the different stakeholder groups categorized by NPS are like in the public sector. As an illustrative case, we report findings of a stakeholder reputation survey (n: 1198) conducted for a large Finnish ministry utilizing both established reputation measures and the NPS. Based on our findings, we conclude that the traditional NPS requires tailoring to match the public sector context, and propose “The Public Sector Net Promoter Score (PSNPS)” as a new measure for WOM in the public sector context.
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