Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Möttönen, T., & Tunkkari-Eskelinen, M. (2020). Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. In T. Möttönen (Ed.), Finnish Entrepreneurs : From Freedom of Occupation to the Entrepreneurial Society (pp. 83-112). Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja, 284. http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-830-576-0
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Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisujaEditors
© 2020 the Authors and JAMK
The rise of the entrepreneurial society is reflected in the aim of promoting entrepreneurship in society through entrepreneurship education. Entrepreneurial education encourages an entrepreneurial attitude. Entrepreneurial education is not just about teaching students to be entrepreneurs; the goal is also to develop a comprehensive attitude and skills. Entrepreneurship education is directed at children and young people, with the aim of promoting a positive attitude towards entrepreneurship, increasing entrepreneurial capacity and developing an entrepreneurial culture. Entrepreneurship education also aims at creating new entrepreneurship in society. This chapter discusses how entrepreneurship education is carried out in Finland and gives examples of regional and educational programs.
Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakouluParent publication ISBN
978-951-830-575-3Is part of publication
Finnish Entrepreneurs : From Freedom of Occupation to the Entrepreneurial SocietyISSN Search the Publication Forum
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http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-830-576-0Publication in research information system
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