Six Recommendations for Implementation of FAIR Practice
Hong, N. C., Cozzino, S., Genova, F., Hoffman-Sommer, M., Hooft, R., Lembinen, L., Marttila, J., Teperek, M., Ball, M., Barker, M., Berezko, O., Beyan, O. D., Garcia, L., Grootveld, M., Harrower, N., Holl, A., Jones, S., Molloy, L., Gaiarin, S. P., . . . Whyte, A. (2020). Six Recommendations for Implementation of FAIR Practice. European Commission.
© European Union, 2020
This report analyses the state of FAIR practices within diverse research communities and FAIR-related policies in different countries and offers six practical recommendations on how FAIR can be turned into practice. These recommendations are aimed primarily at decision making entities of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), as well as research funders:
1. Fund awareness-raising, training, education and community-specific support.
2. Fund development, adoption and maintenance of community standards, tools and
3. Incentivise development of community governance.
4. Translate FAIR guidelines for other digital objects.
5. Reward and recognise improvements of FAIR practice.
6. Develop and monitor adequate policies for FAIR data and research objects.
In order to ensure widespread benefits of the EOSC, improvements in FAIR practices are necessary. We believe that the timing of this report, which coincides with the fully-fledged launch of the EOSC, could help the EOSC, research funders and policymakers make crucial strategic decisions about investment needed to put FAIR principles into practice.
European CommissionISBN
Original source in research information system
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