Health-related fitness test battery for middle-aged adults : with emphasis on musculoskeletal and motor tests
The purpose of this study was to develop a reliable, safe, feasible and valid field-based musculoskeletal and motor health-related fitness (HRF) test battery for middle-aged adults. The subjects were a representative sample of men (n=246) and women (n=254) between the ages of 37 and 57 years, 83% of whom also participated in 3-year follow-up study. Leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) and self-rated health were assessed with questionnaires. HRF was measured with 9 standard field tests consisting of musculoskeletal (one-leg squat, vertical jump, static back extension, modified push-up, hamstring muscle extensibility, trunk side-bending), motor (one-leg balance), cardiorespiratory (Walk Test) and morphological (body mass index) measures of fitness. The inter-rater and test-retest reliability of the tests was evaluated with a small sample (n=42) of volunteers. Safety and feasibility were assessed in terms of acute complications, heart rate after each test, post-test muscular soreness, subject exclusion rate and testing time requirements. Content and predictive validity was evaluated by studying the cross-sectional and follow-up associations between HRF and self-rated health. In addition, the cross-sectional relations between LTPA and HRF were assessed. Four of the 7 musculoskeletal and motor tests possessed acceptable reliability. With the aid of the standard health screening built into the testing procedure the HRF assessment was safely and effectively conducted with minor physician participation. Seven of the 9 proposed tests showed prudent associations with current or future self-rated perceived health, mobility in stair climbing, back functioning and back pain. Three of the tests also showed physical-activity-related validity for both sexes, and 2 had a corresponding result for the women only. The results suggest that the developed test battery is a promising field-based method for the reliable, safe, feasible and valid assessment of HRF among adult populations. With respect to validity, the development is an ongoing process.

aikuiset arviointi fyysinen kunto kenttätutkimus keski-ikä keski-ikäiset kunto kuntotestit lihakset lihaskunto liikkeet liikunta luusto motoriikka suorituskyky terveyden edistäminen terveys terveysliikunta testaus testit toimintakyky tuki- ja liikuntaelimet tuki- ja liikuntaelinten taudit tutkimus Adult Health Promotion Middle Aged Motor Activity Motor Skills Physical Fitness Psychomotor Performance Musculoskeletal Physiology kävelykoulu muscles terveyskuntotestistö
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- Väitöskirjat [3636]
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