Yksin yleisön edessä : esiintymisjännitykseen ja esiintymishalukkuuteen liittyvät kokemukset, käyttäytymispiirteet ja vireytyminen yleisöpuhetilanteessa
The present study focuses on states evoked in public speaking settings. The main purpose of the study is to describe and explore responses consisting of cognitive experiences, behavioral features and physiological arousal during a public speaking performance. A model is advanced to describe the intimal processes leading to opposed cognitive states - speech anxiety and willingness to speak. The data was gathered in speech communication classes, where the subjects (N=47) gave prepared oral presentations. To indicate changes in arousal level, the subject's heart rate was measured during the presentation. Scales were developed to assess the subjects' experiences, behavior and predispositions. The subjects' responses were investigated by examining the associations between introspective, behavioral and physiological data. Dimensions of cognitive experiences based on factor analyses of the State Experience Scale (N=330) and corresponding behavioral dimensions were compared to heart rate response styles distinguished by qualitative analysis. Communication reticence, willingness to communicate, and previous experience in public speaking were measured introspectively, and their influence on state responses was quantitatively analyzed. The heart rate styles perceived were associated with different cognitive and emotional states. These states were influenced by communication reticence, willingness to communicate and the amount of previous experience in a complex manner. The findings suggest that communication reticence has an effect on the emotional elements and previous experience on the physiological elements of speech anxiety and willingness to speak. A model is advanced to explain the process leading to the different states of speech anxiety and willingness to speak in public speaking settings. Suggestions for testing the model in future studies are offered.
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- Väitöskirjat [3599]
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