GAMEHIGHED Initial Report : Output 1: Initial Research & Analysis Report. Higher-ed Programmes for Careers in Game Design & Development (2019–2022)
Çatak, G., Bostan, B., Aker, Ç., Akan, E., Gemrot, J., Kolek, L., Barák, P., Jehličková, L., Arjoranta, J., Karhulahti, M., Koskimaa, R., Lakanen, A.-J., Varsaluoma, J., Välisalo, T., Mochocki, M., Chmielewski, K., & Schreiber, P. (2020). GAMEHIGHED Initial Report : Output 1: Initial Research & Analysis Report. Higher-ed Programmes for Careers in Game Design & Development (2019–2022). Kazimierz Wielki University.
Nykykulttuurin tutkimusTietotekniikkaHyvinvoinnin tutkimuksen yhteisöContemporary CultureMathematical Information TechnologySchool of WellbeingCopyright
© 2020 the Author(s)
Kazimierz Wielki University
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