TUL-seurojen muuttuvat tulkinnat : seurantatutkimus Työväen Urheiluseurojen muuttuvista näkemyksistä
Itkonen, H., Matilainen, P., & Salmikangas, A.-K. (2019). TUL-seurojen muuttuvat tulkinnat : seurantatutkimus Työväen Urheiluseurojen muuttuvista näkemyksistä. Työväentutkimus, 2019, 33-42. https://journal.fi/tyovaentutkimus/article/view/85663
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© 2019 Työväenperinne – Arbetartradition ry
The main aim of the study is to investigate the current role and future perspectives of the sports clubs of the Finnish Workers Sport Federation (Suomen Työväen Urheiluliitto, TUL) by two online surveys made in 2005 and 2018. The response rates were 23 % and 25 % (n=257 & n=200) of the clubs. According to the surveys, the working-class ideology is being replaced by an ideology of well-being, which signifies physical activity, health and equality. To activate children and youth was and will be the most significant task of the clubs, which clearly points out the strategic orientation of the clubs. The main financial assets of the clubs were volunteers, and direct and indirect support from the clubs. The main threats to the clubs were decrease of volunteers, members and financial support, and increase of the fees of the facilities. The close connection between the clubs and public sector is important for the clubs, and the clubs would like to develop this cooperation further. For the success of the main organization of the clubs, the TUL, the cooperation between the national, regional and local levels is needed, and specific attention has to been given to grass root level actors, the sport clubs.
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