The Soldiers of Odin Finland : From a local movement to an international franchise
Kotonen, T. (2019). The Soldiers of Odin Finland : From a local movement to an international franchise. In T. Bjørgo, & M. Mareš (Eds.), Vigilantism against Migrants and Minorities (pp. 241-256). Routledge. Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right.
Published in
Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far RightAuthors
© 2019 the Authors
This chapter analyzes the growth of the Soldier of Odin Finland from a local phenomenon to an international movement, exploring the reasons behind both the success of the SOO, and its later decline in Finland as well as internationally. Additionally, the chapter describes the connections of the SOO with the Finnish extreme right and competition they had with other street patrol organizations. It scrutinizes the rhetoric they use and the ideology they share, and analyzes profiles of SOO leaders in Finland. The chapter is based on data drawn from interviews with Soldiers of Odin and other street patrol groups, police and court files, and online observation.
RoutledgeParent publication ISBN
978-1-138-49380-3Is part of publication
Vigilantism against Migrants and MinoritiesKeywords
Publication in research information system
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Research Council of FinlandFunding program(s)
Research profiles, AoFAdditional information about funding
Suomen Akatemia: Profiling area 3: Crises redefined: Historical continuity and societal change (CRISES).License
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