Developing picture communication for interactional situations at the beginning of the asylum process; mapping interactional practices
Tapio, E. (2019). Developing picture communication for interactional situations at the beginning of the asylum process; mapping interactional practices. Apples : Journal of Applied Language Studies, 13 (3), 131-138. doi:10.17011/apples/urn.201910224569
Julkaistu sarjassa
Apples : Journal of Applied Language StudiesTekijät
© The author, 2019
The paper reports the initial findings of the first phase of the research and
development project PICCORE – Picture Communication in Reception Centres. The
goal was to map the use of pictures and other visual modes of communication at
reception centres in Finland using an ethnographic, multimodal research approach.
The ethnographic data was collected at four reception c entres in Finland. A
multimodal viewpoint draws attention to how action and meanings are mediated
through pictures. The initial findings mark established practices for enabling and
coordinating mutual attention, supporting the use of visual and embodied resources
in interactions and – as a consequence – supporting mutual understanding.
Centre for Applied Language Studies, University of JyväskyläISSN Hae Julkaisufoorumista
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