Herding behaviour in Bangladesh stock market : a case of Dhaka stock exchange
2019:43 | 2020:82 | 2021:114 | 2022:128 | 2023:134 | 2024:143 | 2025:3
The paper attempts to investigate the presence of herding behaviour in Dhaka stock exchange
(DSE), the prime bourse of Bangladesh stock market. In this study, the models
proposed by Christie and Huang (1995) and Chang et al. (2000) have been applied to detect
market wide herding. Both daily and monthly data for the period of January 2005 to
December 2018 are used. The results show that the investors of Dhaka stock Exchange are
involved in herding activity. More specifically, this study finds evidence of herding for
the whole study period (2005-2018), bullish and bearish market, first sub-period (2005 to
2011) and for the stock market crash period (2010-2011). Herding is detected only with the
non-linear model of Chang et al. (2000) for daily data. However, the result fails to find
evidence of herding for the second sub-period (2012 -2018). In this paper, the result of
previous study conducted by Ahsan and Sarkar (2013) on herding behaviour in DSE has
also been compared. The finding of this study is inconsistent with the finding of their
study since they fail to detect herding by applying similar methodologies. The probable
reason for finding different result in the previous study is using different market portfolio
DSI (DSE all share price index) which includes both liquid and illiquid stocks. On the
other hand, the index (DS30) used in this study includes only active and most liquid
stocks. Moreover, in this study, a probable reason for detecting herding for the crash period
is considering longer time frame for the crash period comparing to the previous
study. The result is important for million of small investors of the market to avoid the
psychological trap or irrational behaviour involved with investment decisions.
Näytä kaikki kuvailutiedotKokoelmat
- Pro gradu -tutkielmat [29752]
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