Optimal sample allocation conditioned on a small area model, estimator, and auxiliary data
We have studied optimal sample allocation, associated with small area estimation, when the objective is to obtain as accurate estimates as possible, for the
population and for the subpopulations, called as areas here. It is a question of a
two-level optimization problem. The basic premise is composed of planned areas, stratified sampling, and small overall sample size predetermined by restricted time and budget resources. Low sample sizes are common in market surveys.
During this thesis, we have developed new allocation methods, based on a
small area model, estimator, and auxiliary data. The final method, the three-term Pareto allocation, is based on the three terms of the mean-squared error
estimator for the area total empirical best linear unbiased predictor estimator,
and on the Pareto optimization technique. The performance of the final method
has improved, compared with our other model-based allocations.
We compare the performances of our allocations with the reference allocations, selected from the literature, through design-based sample simulations
using real data. The selection criterion is the diversity in optimality associated
with the allocations. From the point of view of the performance, the most competing allocations are the nonlinear programming and the Costa allocations.
Model-based estimation produces more accurate estimates than design-based estimation under the research population structure. Our allocation leads
to estimates with the best accuracies and moderately small biases.
The results support the conditioning of the sample allocation on the model
and on the estimator. It is also important to consider the balance between the
area level and the population level estimation, and between the accuracy and
the bias of the estimates.

University of JyväskyläISBN
978-951-39-7417-6ISSN Search the Publication Forum
1456-5390Contains publications
- Artikkeli I: M. Keto and E. Pahkinen. On sample allocation for effective EBLUP estimation of small area totals – “Experimental Allocation”, in Survey Sampling Methods in Economic and Social Research, J. Wywial and W. Gamrot (eds). Katowice: Katowice University of Economics, 27–36, 2010.
- Artikkeli II: M. Keto and E. Pahkinen. Sample allocation for efficient model-based small area estimation. Survey Methodology, 43(1): 93–106, 2017. DOI: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/12-001-x/2017001/article/14817-eng.pdf.
- Artikkeli III: M. Keto and E. Pahkinen. On overall sampling plan for small area estimation. Statistical Journal of the IAOS, 33: 727–740, 2017. DOI: 10.3233/SJI-170370".
- Artikkeli IV: M. Keto, J. Hakanen, and E. Pahkinen. Register data in sample allocations for small-area estimation. Mathematical Population Studies, An International Journal of Mathematical Demography, 2018 Accepted, in print.
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