More skilled, better paid : labour-market returns to postsecondary vocational education
Böckerman, P., Haapanen, M., & Jepsen, C. (2018). More skilled, better paid : labour-market returns to postsecondary vocational education. Oxford Economic Papers, 70(2), 485-508.
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Oxford Economic PapersDate
© Oxford University Press 2017. This is a final draft version of an article whose final and definitive form has been published by Oxford University Pres. Published in this repository with the kind permission of the publisher.
Outside the USA, relatively little is known about the labour-market returns to postsecondary vocational (or polytechnic) education. Yet, polytechnics in Europe are distinct from US community colleges. This paper focuses on the labour-market returns to polytechnic attendance in Finland, where polytechnics are representative of many European countries. Using matching methods and longitudinal administrative data, we find that, compared to individuals with no postsecondary education, students who attend polytechnics have higher annual earnings of €3,300 to €3,700 and employment gains of 2.5 to 6.6 percentage points 10 years after the entry decision. However, the returns vary by personal characteristics and field of study.
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