Perception of Segment Boundaries in Musicians and Non-musicians
Hartmann, M., Toiviainen, P., & Lartillot, O. (2014). Perception of Segment Boundaries in Musicians and Non-musicians. In M. K. Song (Ed.), Proceedings of the ICMPC-APSCOM 2014 Joint Conference : 13th Biennial International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition : 5th Triennial Conference of the Asia Pacific Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (pp. 173-178). College of Music, Yonsei University.
In the act of music listening, many people break down musical
pieces into chunks such as verses and choruses. Recent work on
music segmentation has shown that highly agreed segment
boundaries are also considered strong and are described by using
multiple cues. However, these studies could not pinpoint the
effects of data collection methods and of musicianship on
boundary perception. Our study investigated the differences
between segmentation tasks performed by musicians in real-time
and non real-time listening contexts. Further, we assessed the
effect of musical training on the perception of boundaries in
real-time listening. We collected perceived boundaries by 18
musicians and 18 non-musicians in 9 musical examples. Musicians
also completed a non real-time segmentation task for 6 of the
examples. We observed high significant correlations between
participant groups and between task groups at a time-scale of 10
seconds after comparing segmentation data at different resolutions.
Further, musicians located significantly more boundaries in the
non real-time task than in the real-time task for 5 out of 6
examples. We found a clear effect of the task but no effects of
musical training upon perceived segmentation.

College of Music, Yonsei UniversityConference
International conference on music perception and cognitionIs part of publication
Proceedings of the ICMPC-APSCOM 2014 Joint Conference : 13th Biennial International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition : 5th Triennial Conference of the Asia Pacific Society for the Cognitive Sciences of MusicKeywords
Original source in research information system
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