Towards an Internationalization of the Information Systems Curriculum
Holtkamp, P., & Pawlowski, J. (2011). Towards an Internationalization of the Information Systems Curriculum. In F. Lehner, & K. Bredl (Eds.), Proceedings of 12th European Conference on Knowledge Management - ECKM 2011. Academic Publishing Limited Reading.
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© the Authors, 2011.
Globalization has changed the requirements to professionals and students in all branches
and sectors significantly in the past decade. However in the domain of Information Systems,
these changes have not yet found their way into current study programs and curricula. We
identify and validate core internationalization competences and their relation to IS specific
competences based on an initial set of competence categories. This is the basis for
designing learning services of the future. The presented study aims at validating both and
identifying additional categories and competences. In this paper, we present the first results
of this study focusing on the internationalization and knowledge management competences.
The results can be used for different purposes exploring the human perspective on
information systems development.
Academic Publishing Limited ReadingParent publication ISBN
978-1-908272-10-2Is part of publication
Proceedings of 12th European Conference on Knowledge Management - ECKM 2011Keywords
Publication in research information system
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