Discourse analysis of the personal brand construction of a group of Finnish managers on Twitter
In this study, the objective was to understand how Finnish managers build their
personal brand on Twitter. More specifically, the goal was to find out what kind
of managerial identities can be discerned based on the discourses, linguistic
means, and rhetoric through which Finnish managers brand themselves on
Twitter. The study was conducted as qualitative research, using discourse
analysis as the analysis method. The research data for this study were collected
from the publicly available Twitter profiles of 12 Finnish managers who actively
use the platform. Previous literature and theories regarding the concepts of
personal branding and identity work, as well as Watson’s identity construction
model, were used as a theoretical basis. Consequently, five identity images were
found that represent the personal brands of Finnish managers. These images
were the Patriot, Philanthropist, Fan, “Me Behind the Scenes,” and Winner.
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