Between Conflicts and Commerce : The Impact of Institutions and Wars on Swedish-Portuguese Trade, 1686-1815
Eloranta, J., Moreira, M. C., & Karvonen, L. (2015). Between Conflicts and Commerce : The Impact of Institutions and Wars on Swedish-Portuguese Trade, 1686-1815. Journal of European Economic History, XLIV(3), 9-50.
Published in
Journal of European Economic HistoryDate
© the Authors & Unicredit Group, 2015. This is an open access article published by Unicredit Group.
This paper is related to a multiyear project aimed at compiling new
data on the early modern trade flows between smaller (or weaker)
states. It presents a quantitative analysis of the nature and volume
of trade between Sweden and Portugal during the period in question,
seeking to identify long-run changes in these flows and to determine
whether institutional changes and wars fundamentally
altered the composition, trends, or volume of trade. First, it appears
that trade between Portugal and Sweden hinged on only a few key
commodities, most importantly iron from Sweden and salt from
Portugal. In particular, we found that Portugal was somewhat more
dependent on Swedish iron than Sweden was on Portuguese salt,
since Sweden could also import the salt it needed from other regions.
Second, we discovered that institutional arrangements and
changes did affect Portuguese-Swedish trade, which they stabilized
to some extent. Third, we argue that external shocks, mainly wars,
had a slight negative effect on the bilateral trade, although some
periods of war also offered new trading opportunities to non-belligerents.
In general, the bilateral trade flows were fairly stable over
this period and increased substantially during the 18th century.

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