The effect of aquatic exercise on symptoms, function, body composition and cartilage in knee osteoarthritis
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Studies in sport, physical education and healthAuthors
FysioterapiaKnee osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disease associated with pain and loss of
functional capacity. The management of knee OA is multifaceted and covers the whole OA
continuum from injury prevention to the end stage of the disease. Recently, specific focus
has been on preventing the progression of cartilage degeneration and avoiding loss of
function in the early phase of the disease via the provision of exercise interventions.
Aquatic exercise is a popular but under-researched exercise option. Therefore, the purpose
of this dissertation was to investigate the role of aquatic exercise in the management of
knee OA, focusing especially the effect it evokes on both functional capacity and
biochemical composition of knee cartilage.
Two systematic reviews with meta-analysis were performed. The first investigated
the effect of therapeutic aquatic exercise on pain and functional capacity, compared to
controls, in individuals with lower limb OA; it included 11 studies. The second review
evaluated the effects of aquatic exercise on different aspects of functional capacity, e.g.
muscle strength, agility and walking ability, compared to control and land-based exercise,
in healthy older adults and included 28 studies. Data from a 4-month randomised
controlled trial with a 12-months’ follow-up period was used to investigate the effect of a
progressive aquatic resistance training program on walking ability, cardiovascular fitness,
muscle strength, symptoms and body composition in 87 postmenopausal women with mild
knee OA. Furthermore, the effect of the intervention on the biochemical composition of
tibiofemoral cartilage was investigated using T2 relaxation time (T2) mapping and delayed
gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (dGEMRIC index).
The results of this dissertation revealed that therapeutic aquatic exercise produced a
small sized but statistically significant decrease in pain and improvement in walking ability
and joint flexibility in individuals with lower limb OA. Compared to control interventions,
aquatic exercise significantly improved muscle strength, agility, flexibility, walking speed
and aerobic fitness in healthy older adults. Aquatic exercise was at least as effective as
land-based exercise at improving functional capacity in healthy older adults. Following 4-
months of aquatic resistance training, there was a significant increase in walking speed,
improved cardiovascular fitness and a decrease in fat mass. Only improvements in walking
speed were maintained at the 12-months’ follow-up. Additionally, a small effect in the
biochemical composition of the tibiofemoral cartilage was detected post-intervention in
both T2 and dGEMRIC index. To conclude, aquatic exercise exerts a positive effect on
different aspects of functional capacity in both healthy adults and individuals with knee
OA. The effect of aquatic exercise on the composition of cartilage needs to be clarified.
University of JyväskyläISBN
978-951-39-6850-2ISSN Search the Publication Forum
vesiharjoittelu osteoarthritis aquatic exercise qMRI cartilage walking ability Systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus Meta-analyysi Interventiotutkimus vesiliikunta vaikutukset liikuntakyky naiset nivelrikko polvet nivelsairaudet fysioterapia nivelrusto fyysinen toimintakyky kehonkoostumus kävely magneettitutkimus
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