Spectroscopy of 70Kr and isospin symmetry in the T = 1 f pg shell nuclei
Debenham, D. M., Bentley, M. A., Davies, P. J., Haylett, T., Jenkins, D. G., Joshi, P., Sinclair, L. F., Wadsworth, R., Ruotsalainen, P., Henderson, J., Kaneko, K., Auranen, K., Badran, H., Grahn, T., Greenlees, P., Herzan, A., Jakobsson, U., Julin, R., Juutinen, S., . . . Sahin, E. (2016). Spectroscopy of 70Kr and isospin symmetry in the T = 1 f pg shell nuclei. Physical Review C, 94(5), Article 054311. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.94.054311
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Physical Review CAuthors
© 2016 American Physical Society. Published in this repository with the kind permission of the publisher.
The recoil-β tagging technique has been used in conjunction with the 40Ca(32S ,2n) reaction at a beam energy
of 88 MeV to identify transitions associated with the decay of the 2+ and, tentatively, 4+ states in the nucleus 70Kr. These data are used, along with previously published data, to examine the triplet energy differences (TED)
for the mass 70 isobars. The experimental TED values are compared with shell model calculations, performed
with the JUN45 interaction in the fpg model space, that include a J = 0 isospin nonconserving (INC) interaction
with an isotensor strength of 100 keV. The agreement is found to be very good up to spin 4 and supports the
expectation for analog states that all three nuclei have the same oblate shape at low-spin. The A = 70 results are
compared with the experimental and shell model predicted TED and mirror energy differences (MED) for the
mass 66 and 74 systems. The comparisons clearly demonstrate the importance of the isotensor INC interaction
in replicating the TED data in this region. Issues related to the observed MED values and their interpretation
within the shell model are discussed.

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