Auditory Profiles of Classical, Jazz, and Rock Musicians: Genre-Specific Sensitivity to Musical Sound Features
Tervaniemi, M., Janhunen, L., Kruck, S., Putkinen, V., & Huotilainen, M. (2016). Auditory Profiles of Classical, Jazz, and Rock Musicians: Genre-Specific Sensitivity to Musical Sound Features. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, Article 1900.
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© 2016 Tervaniemi, Janhunen, Kruck, Putkinen and Huotilainen. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).
When compared with individuals without explicit training in music, adult musicians have
facilitated neural functions in several modalities. They also display structural changes in
various brain areas, these changes corresponding to the intensity and duration of their
musical training. Previous studies have focused on investigating musicians with training
in Western classical music. However, musicians involved in different musical genres
may display highly differentiated auditory profiles according to the demands set by their
genre, i.e., varying importance of different musical sound features. This hypothesis was
tested in a novel melody paradigm including deviants in tuning, timbre, rhythm, melody
transpositions, and melody contour. Using this paradigm while the participants were
watching a silent video and instructed to ignore the sounds, we compared classical, jazz,
and rock musicians’ and non-musicians’ accuracy of neural encoding of the melody. In
all groups of participants, all deviants elicited an MMN response, which is a cortical index
of deviance discrimination. The strength of the MMN and the subsequent attentional P3a
responses reflected the importance of various sound features in each music genre: these
automatic brain responses were selectively enhanced to deviants in tuning (classical
musicians), timing (classical and jazz musicians), transposition (jazz musicians), and
melody contour (jazz and rock musicians). Taken together, these results indicate that
musicians with different training history have highly specialized cortical reactivity to
sounds which violate the neural template for melody content.
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Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as © 2016 Tervaniemi, Janhunen, Kruck, Putkinen and Huotilainen. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).
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