Understanding Finnish education: science popularization and scholarly work as intertwined activities
Szabó, T. P. (2015). Understanding Finnish education: science popularization and scholarly work as intertwined activities. Kieli, koulutus ja yhteiskunta, 9.9.2015(Syyskuu). http://www.kieliverkosto.fi/article/understanding-finnish-education-science-popularization-and-scholarly-work-as-intertwined-activities/?format=pdf
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Kieli, koulutus ja yhteiskuntaAuthors
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Moving to Finland two years ago had given new push to my work in many ways. I have been studying Hungarian educationfor about thirteen years and I have been addressing the general public with popularizing materials for nearly five years now. However, in Finland these activities become more complex than in my native country. Here, I wish to discuss how my research found larger and larger contexts in two steps: First, by starting to make my research available to wider audiences in Hungary, and second, by turning my focus to an international environment. I claim that these two types of recontextualization are not only beneficial for me as a researcher personally but also serve the researched communities as well as teachers and other practitioners in a rich way.
Soveltavan kielentutkimuksen keskus, Jyväskylän yliopisto; Kielikoulutuspolitiikan verkostoISSN Search the Publication Forum
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http://www.kieliverkosto.fi/article/understanding-finnish-education-science-popularization-and-scholarly-work-as-intertwined-activities/?format=pdfPublication in research information system
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