Jättikatkan (Gammaracanthus lacustris) ja jäännehalkoisjalkaisen (Mysis relicta) koko- ja tiheysjakaumat Saimaan Paasivedellä; Vertical size and density distributions of Gammaracanthus lacustris and Mysis relicta in Paasivesi, Lake Saimaa
Salonen, J., Figueiredo, K., & Taskinen, J. (2010). Jättikatkan (Gammaracanthus lacustris) ja jäännehalkoisjalkaisen (Mysis relicta) koko- ja tiheysjakaumat Saimaan Paasivedellä; Vertical size and density distributions of Gammaracanthus lacustris and Mysis relicta in Paasivesi, Lake Saimaa. In H. Simola (Ed.), Suurjärviseminaari 2010: Muuttuva ilmasto – muuttuvat vesistöt ja yhteiskunta; Symposium on Large Lakes 2010: Climate change – changing freshwater ecosystems and society. (pp. 93-99). Publications of the University of Eastern Finland - Reports and Studies in Forestry and Natural Sciences (4). Joensuu: Itä-Suomen yliopisto. Retrieved from http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-61-0242-9
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Publications of the University of Eastern Finland - Reports and Studies in Forestry and Natural SciencesDate
2010The ecology of relict crustaceans in Finnish lakes is quite poorly known. In this study we investigated the vertical distributions of these species in Lake Saimaa in the depth zones between 30 m and 60 m. We found out that Gammaracanthus. lacustris lives mainly in the deepest parts of the lake, while Mysis relicta favours the shallowest zones. The average length of both species increased with the depth in the study area. There were some differences in distributions between years, but the main reasons for that are not known exactly.
Itä-Suomen yliopistoIs part of publication
Suurjärviseminaari 2010: Muuttuva ilmasto – muuttuvat vesistöt ja yhteiskunta; Symposium on Large Lakes 2010: Climate change – changing freshwater ecosystems and society. Toim. Heikki Simola. ISBN 978-952-61-0241-2.
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