Masters of their own time? Working carers’s visions about combining retirement and caring
Leinonen, A. (2011). Masters of their own time? Working carers’s visions about combining retirement and caring. In C. Nygård, M. Savinainen, T. Kirsi & K. Lumme-Sandt (Eds.), Age Management during the Life Course - Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Work Ability (pp. 246-254). Tampere, Finland: Tampere University Press.
© 2011 Tampere University Press and Authors
2012:8 | 2013:10 | 2014:23 | 2015:30 | 2016:38 | 2017:157 | 2018:160 | 2019:40 | 2020:42 | 2021:34 | 2022:19 | 2023:35 | 2024:41 | 2025:2
How do working careers anticipate the timing of retirement and the weight
of care commitments related to other activities when retired? This question
is discussed by analysing the experiences of Finnish working careers. Most of
the interviewees indicated that helping parent(s) would be part of their own
retirement, but after leaving full-time work they would also like to devote
time for their other personal interests, too. Working careers are willing to
engage in caring when retired. However, they also have a desire to outline
their caring tasks and manage their own time.
Tampere University PressConference
The 4th Symposium on Work AbilityIs part of publication
Age Management during the Life Course - Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Work Ability/Clas-Håkan Nygård, Minna Savinainen, Tapio Kirsi & Kirsi Lumme-Sandt (toim.)Keywords
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