Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitos - KTL: viimeksi lisätyt
Aineistot 41-45 / 817
Muon capture on 6Li, 12C, and 16O from ab initio nuclear theory
(American Physical Society, 2024)Muon capture on nuclei is one of the most promising probes of the nuclear electroweak current driving the yet-hypothetical neutrinoless double-beta (0νββ) decay. Both processes involve vector and axial-vector currents at ... -
Kari Kuoppala in memoriam
(Edistyksellinen tiedeliitto ry, 2024) -
Rakenteen, toiminnan ja toimijuuden näkökulmia korkeakoulututkimukseen
(Edistyksellinen tiedeliitto ry, 2024) -
The cross-employment of PhDs across the university sector boundary : an analysis of Finnish register data
(Springer, 2024)Tacit knowledge flows can be facilitated by employment transitions, such as for example the transitions of PhDs from university employment to industry. There are however barriers to transitions into and out of university ... -
Applying the 6E learning by design model to support student teachers to integrate artificial intelligence applications in their classroom
(Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2024)The 6E Learning by Design (LbD) model can enhance student teachers’ development of competence for integrating technologies in the classrooms including Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, teacher educators rarely use the ...