Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitos - KTL: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-5 of 834
Exploring the peculiar relationship between higher education quality and internationalization : a discourse analytical and spatial reading of four European university strategies
(Taylor & Francis, 2025)Internationalization is often regarded as a tool for enhancing the quality of education and research, but the question is how are they related? This paper aims to address this by analysing the way quality and internationalization ... -
The education-to-work transition : a systematic analysis of pedagogical interventions in the context of higher education
(Routledge, 2025)Higher education has implemented various pedagogical interventions to increase connectivity with the workplace and ease students’ education-to-work transition. However, the effectiveness and underlying mechanisms of these ... -
Asenteiden, motivaation, sukupuolen ja matematiikan osaamisen yhteydet Suomen PISA 2018 -tutkimuksessa
(Suomen psykologinen seura, 2021)The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between attitudes, motivation, gender and proficiency in mathematics; form student groups based on attitude and motivation variables; and identify how these groups ... -
Eriarvoisuus näkyy lasten ja nuorten itsearvioidussa terveydessä
(Suomen lääkäriliitto, 2025)BACKGROUND We investigated the proportions of children and adolescents who rated their health as poor or fair between 2002 and 2022, and the factors influencing this perception over time. Research on this topic is limited. ... -
Affektien yliopisto ja tunteiden poliittisuus
(Edistyksellinen tiedeliitto ry, 2024)