Framework for Evaluating the Version Management Capabilities of a Class of UML Modeling Tools from the Viewpoint of Multi-site, Multi-partner Product Line Organizations
Koivulahti-Ojala, M.; Käkölä, T., "Framework for Evaluating the Version Management Capabilities of a Class of UML Modeling Tools from the Viewpoint of Multi-Site, Multi-Partner Product Line Organizations," System Sciences (HICSS), 2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1-10, 5-8 Jan. 2010. doi: 10.1109/HICSS.2010.213
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UML models are widely used in software
product line engineering for activities such as modeling
the software product line reference architecture, detailed
design, and automation of software code generation
and testing. But in high-tech companies, modeling activities
are typically distributed across multiple sites and
involve multiple partners in different countries, thus
complicating model management. Today’s UML modeling
tools support sophisticated version management for
managing parallel and distributed modeling. However,
the literature does not provide a comprehensive set of
industrial-level criteria to evaluate the version management
capabilities of UML tools. This article’s contribution
is a framework for evaluating the version management
features of UML modeling tools for multi-site,
multi-partner software product line organizations.
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