Now showing items 61-65 of 2258

    • Kognitiivinen sodankäynti : ihmismieli taistelukenttänä 

      Saari, Dominic (Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulu, 2024)
      Maailman talousfoorumi (WEF) julkaisi tammikuussa 2024 maailman riskiraportin. Raportin laatimiseksi haastateltiin 1 500:aa asiantuntijaa ympäri maailmaa, ja tuloksena kävi ilmi, että mis- ja disinformaatio nähtiin suurimpana ...
    • Joint Active and Passive Beamforming for Vehicle Localization with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces 

      Feng, Zhiyuan; Wang, Bo; Chang, Zheng; Hämäläinen, Timo; Zhao, Yanping; Hu, Fengye (IEEE, 2024)
      Future vehicle localization will be committed to improving the positioning accuracy and energy efficiency of localization systems in the intelligent transportation. Recently, reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) as an ...
    • The Drivers of Showrooming Behavior : A Meta-Analysis 

      Holkkola, Matilda; Tyrväinen, Olli; Makkonen, Markus; Karjaluoto, Heikki; Kemppainen, Tiina; Paananen, Tiina; Frank, Lauri (University of Maribor Press, 2024)
      Showrooming behavior refers to consumer behavior where consumers first physically evaluate products in offline channels and then compare the potential purchases in online channels. Although the drivers of showrooming ...
    • Higher Education Student's Self-Efficacy Beliefs During and Post Pandemic: an Explorative Learning Analytics Study 

      Aksovaara, Satu; Kärkkäinen, Tommi; Silvennoinen, Minna (University of Maribor Press, 2024)
      The COVID-19 era massively accelerated digitalization of higher education and afterwards higher education institutions have partially reverted to their pre-pandemic modes of operation. In this study, we applied learning ...
    • Customer Perceptions of In-Store Identification 

      Kemppainen, Tiina; Frank, Lauri (University of Maribor Press, 2024)
      Customer identification is essential for all businesses; however, brick-and-mortar (B&M) retailers often face challenges capturing shopping behaviors in physical stores where customers are not accustomed to being identified, ...