Tuskan hauskaa! Tavoitteena tiedostava kirjoittaminen : kirjoittamisprosessi peruskoulun yhdeksännellä luokalla
Julkaistu sarjassa
Jyväskylä studies in humanitiesTekijät
Soveltava kielitiedeAnnamari Murtorinne tutki väitöskirjassaan peruskoulun yhdeksäsluokkalaisten kirjoittamis-, keskustelu- ja muokkausprosessia. Murtorinne havaitsi, että oppilaat työskentelevät erittäin mielellään pienryhmissä ja ymmärtävät ryhmänsä arvon palautteenantajana, mutta heillä ei ole vielä riittävästi tietoa ja taitoa hyödyntää monipolvista prosessia parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla.– Oppilaat pitäytyivät palautekeskustelussaan pääasiassa tekstin sisällön pohdinnassa, mutta kiinnittivät huomionsa jonkin verran myös oikeakielisyysseikkoihin. Oppilaat eivät kuitenkaan malttaneet antaa perusteellista palautetta, vaan siirtyivät näkökulmasta toiseen ripeässä tahdissa, Murtorinne toteaa.– Osa oppilaista kykeni hankkimaan palautetta keskustelusta monipuolisesti. Tällaiset oppilaat vahvistivat tai tarkistivat omia tietojaan keskustelussa ja yhdistelivät omia ja toisten ajatuksia tekstissään. Osa oppilaista tyytyi pelkästään poimimaan tietoja keskustelusta ja kopioimaan ajatukset sellaisinaan omaan tekstiinsä, Murtorinne jatkaa.Murtorinne havaitsi, että toinen tutkimusryhmä kykeni hyödyntämään vapaata keskustelua omien tekstiensä muokkaamisessa, mutta toinen ryhmä olisi tarvinnut jonkinlaista tukea palautekeskustelun onnistumiseksi.
This study investigates the process of writing as a method of learning writing among pupils in comprehensive school. The aim of the study was to gain information on the process of writing, discussing and revising among pupils in the 9th grade in comprehensive school, and in particular, to find out about the significance of group work in the writing process. Furthermore, the purpose was to find out how to make both writing, and teaching writing more effective. The research questions sought to discover what kind of feedback the pupils got from the group, how they benefited from the feedback, and how they revised their texts with the help of the feedback. Also, the study aimed to examine to what extent pupils were able to revise their own texts when working independently, and to evaluate the whole process. This study was a pedagogical applied case study. The participants were six pupils chosen for the study and divided into two groups of three. The data consisted of 12 feedback discussions, 18 texts and 6 self-evaluation forms. Each participant first wrote a text that was discussed in a small group. Based on the feedback, the pupils wrote a second version of their texts which was followed by another feedback session. After this, they wrote the final version and answered evaluation questions. Discourse analysis was used to analyse spoken language; to study written texts, the method chosen was data and content analysis. The surface and content features of spoken and written language were analysed through revision taxonomy. The analysis revealed that the pupils mostly discussed issues connected to the theme of the text. Nearly half of the discussion on developing the theme led to revising the text. The pupils were not capable of having long, in-depth discussions on the themes but swiftly changed angles. Some pupils adjusted their discourse roles according to the goals of discussion whereas some maintained the same role throughout the discussion. Discourse roles either promoted or hindered pupils’ willingness to revise the texts. In discussions leading to revision, the initiative taken by the group seemed to enhance pupils’ willingness to revise their texts. The analysis of finished texts revealed that one group managed to enrich the contents and surface structure of finished texts with the help of feedback whereas the other group skilfully intertwined the feedback from the group and their own ideas into a new text. Pupils did slightly more independent revision than revised texts on the basis of feedback from the group. Pupils believed that the group enhanced the writing process but since they did not have enough knowledge and skills to take advantage of different phases, they could not use the method to its full potential. The results of this study offer teachers a possibility to reconsider and develop their teaching practices. As for pupils, the usefulness of results is linked to feedback discussions and the versatile learning culture they bring about. Being familiar with the process and using it as a learning method combines teaching and learning into a simultaneous processing of skills and knowledge. In this process, the significance of motivation and social skills is emphasised. On the basis of the results of this study it is possible to help pupils to look at their own process of writing, discussing and revising theoretically and to revise their practices towards reflective writing
Jyväskylän yliopistoISBN
951-39-2258-8ISSN Hae Julkaisufoorumista
Näytä kaikki kuvailutiedotKokoelmat
- Väitöskirjat [3599]
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