Kotitarpeesta talousmetsiin : keskustelu yksityismetsätalouden neuvonnan uudelleenjärjestelystä vuosina 1922-1928
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Regional sustainability transition through forest-based bioeconomy? : Development actors' perspectives on related policies, power, and justice
Halonen, Maija; Näyhä, Annukka; Kuhmonen, Irene (Elsevier, 2022)Forests and forest-based bioeconomy have central roles in the contemporary sustainability transition. However, the transition towards a bioeconomy is loaded with tensions regarding economic growth, ecological integrity, ... -
Exploring 2040 : Global Trends and International Policies Setting Frames for the Finnish Wood-Based Economy
Kunttu, Janni; Wallius, Venla; Kulvik, Martti; Leskinen, Pekka; Lintunen, Jussi; Orfanidou, Timokleia; Tuomasjukka, Diana (MDPI AG, 2022)Global trends influence the approaches and mindset for using natural resources and technological capacities. Participatory scenario methods have proven useful in long-term foresight. However, country-level foresight studies ... -
Actors, discourses and relations in the Finnish newspapers' forest discussion : Enabling or constraining the sustainability transition?
Näyhä, Annukka; Wallius, Venla (Elsevier, 2024)In many countries with plentiful forest resources, forests are at the core of the agendas to achieve sustainable societies. However, there is plenty of disagreement among societal actors about forest-related issues. This ... -
Metsien käytön kestävyysmuutoksen mittaamisen periaatteista
Kangas, Annika; Pynnönen, Sari; Mäkipää, Raisa; Komonen, Atte; Halme, Panu (Suomen metsätieteellinen seura, 2022)Suomalaisen metsäpolitiikan keskeinen päämäärä on jo yli sadan vuoden ajan ollut puuntuotannollinen kestävyys, mutta metsätalouden kestävyyden tarkastelu on laajentunut yhteiskunnallisten tarpeiden ja arvostusten muuttumisen ... -
Changing forest stakeholders’ perception of ecosystem services with linguistic nudging
Isoaho, K.; Burgas, D.; Janasik, N.; Mönkkönen, M.; Peura, M.; Hukkinen, J. I. (Elsevier BV, 2019)This paper explores whether the perceptions of forest owners and professionals could be nudged towards more sustainable management practices by adjusting a policy text’s metaphorical content. Recent research has demonstrated ...