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Reliability and validity of the German version of the University of Jyvaskyla Active Aging Scale (UJACAS-G)
(Springer Nature, 2024)Background: The University of Jyvaskyla Active Aging Scale (UJACAS) assesses active aging through willingness, ability, opportunity, and frequency of involvement in activities. Recognizing the lack of a German version, the ... -
Physiotherapy educators’ perceptions of physiotherapists’ competencies and continuing education in the practice of musculoskeletal physiotherapy direct access
(Taylor & Francis, 2024)Introduction: The aim of direct access (DA) physiotherapy practice in Finland is the treatment of musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions by physiotherapists who have completed continuing DA education. It is difficult to pinpoint ... -
Luther and Biopower : Rethinking the Reformation with Foucault
(Copenhagen Business School, 2024)In this article, we propose an alternative Foucauldian reading of Martin Luther’s thought and early Lutheranism. Michel Foucault did not mention the Reformation often, although he saw it as an amplification of pastoral ... -
Kuinka koira puhutaan kasvisruokailijaksi? : diskurssianalyyttinen avaus monilajiseen elämäntyylipolitiikkaan
(Alue- ja ympäristötutkimuksen seura ry, 2024)Social sciences have shed light on various aspects of vegetarianism and veganism but overlooked the feeding of non-human animals. I use discourse analysis and interview data to investigate how vegan dog ... -
Physical Fitness Determinants of a Military Casualty Evacuation Test
(Oxford University Press (OUP), 2024)Introduction Casualty evacuation has been identified as a typical and essential single military task which every soldier should be able to perform rapidly during combat. Previous studies suggest that casualty evacuation ...