Outlining the multifaceted question of impact in guidance policies and practices
Kalalahti, M., Kosonen, T., Vehviläinen, S., & Varjo, J. (2024). Outlining the multifaceted question of impact in guidance policies and practices. In Book of Abstracts for the 2024 Conference of the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG) : “Riding the Wave of Change" (pp. 122). University of Jyväskylä. https://peda.net/id/00a4c6719e8
© 2024 Authors and University of Jyväskylä
Identifying the relationships between the inputs, outcomes and impacts of guidance are neither simple nor straightforward. Impact construction processes are contextually situated and, consequently, what may work well in one context may not produce the same results in a different context. We utilise the multilevel ecological analysis, and through empirical cases sketch the recognition of impact construction processes at different levels (macro, meso(exo) and micro). Our focus is on the guidance policies and practices and we view the impact construction processes through the lenses of guidance experts and practitioners.
The aim of the presentation is to outline the multifaceted question of impact in guidance policies and practices. First we ask: How do guidance experts and practitioners construct the ‘impact’ of guidance as a structural, community and individual issue? Second we ask: How are the impact construction processes integrated into guidance experts and practitioners’ work?
The presentation builds on existing literature and research on impact, which provides us with
the framework for our work, as well as on empirical cases, which helps us to argue for our conclusions. We provide interpretations and empirical cases from previous studies and re-interpret with integrative strategies the main ‘threads’ of constructing and integrating the impact processes within the guidance policies and practices.
We conclude that there are gaps between different objects set for the guidance and in practice guidance experts and practitioners do ‘bricolage work’, where they integrate different impact processes within their work and navigate between different and sometimes conflicting and stressing objectives. The recognition of the multidimensionality of these processes enables the experts and practitioners to find positive impacts from various aspects within their work.
University of JyväskyläParent publication ISBN
Conference of the International Association for Educational and Vocational GuidanceIs part of publication
Book of Abstracts for the 2024 Conference of the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG) : “Riding the Wave of Change"Keywords
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https://peda.net/id/00a4c6719e8Publication in research information system
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