Who is actually cancelling Russian culture and art?
Romashko, T. (2024, 24.5.2024). Who is actually cancelling Russian culture and art?. Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends. https://www.culturalpolicies.net/2024/05/24/new-article-by-our-russian-cultural-policy-expert/
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Compendium of Cultural Policies and TrendsAuthors
© 2024 Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft
This article examines the phenomenon of "cancel culture" in the context of geopolitical tensions following Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022. It explores the emergence of the "Cancel Russia" movement, characterised by international calls for cultural sanctions against Russia, which, while prominent in public discourse, have not led to substantive legislative changes within the EU. Instead, these movements have been hijacked by the Kremlin to advance narratives of victimisation. In addition, the article discusses the 'Cultural Front of Russia', a movement that promotes conservative values and aligns cultural output with state policies and nationalist agendas. This alignment, the article argues, suppresses creative freedom and censors dissent, in contrast to external accusations of cultural cancellation by Western entities. The article provides a nuanced analysis of how 'cancellation culture' is being redefined in Russia, revealing the intersection of cultural identity, politics and geopolitical strategy.

Kulturpolitische GesellschaftISSN Search the Publication Forum
Venäjä Russia Cancel Russian Culture Russia's soft power domestic censorship parliamentary debates the 'Cultural Front of Russia' cancel-ilmiö pakotteet boikotti kulttuuripolitiikka nationalismi sensuuri uhriutuminen isänmaallisuus militarismi Venäjän hyökkäys Ukrainaan 2022 konservatismi propaganda kansallinen kulttuuri
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https://www.culturalpolicies.net/2024/05/24/new-article-by-our-russian-cultural-policy-expert/Publication in research information system
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