Tuning spinaron and Kondo resonances via quantum confinement
Aapro, M., Kipnis, A., Lado, J. L., Kezilebieke, S., & Liljeroth, P. (2024). Tuning spinaron and Kondo resonances via quantum confinement. Physical Review B, 109(19), Article 195415. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.195415
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Physical Review BAuthors
© 2024 American Physical Society
Controlling zero-bias anomalies in magnetic atoms provides a promising strategy to engineer tunable quantum
many-body excitations. Here we show how two different quantum impurities featuring spinaron and Kondo excitations can be controlled via quantum confinement engineering by using circular quantum corrals on a Ag(111) surface. In corrals built from both Ag and Co adatoms, the width of the zero-bias anomaly in the central Co adatom oscillates as a function of corral radius with a period of half of the Ag(111) surface state wavelength. Parameters extracted for Co/Ag(111) show only small differences in the extracted spinaron zero-bias anomaly between corral walls built from Ag or Co adatoms. In quantum corrals occupied by metal-free phthalocyanine, a S = 1/2 Kondo system, we observe notable changes in the zero-bias anomaly line shape as a function of corral radius. Our results offer insight into many-body Kondo and spinaron resonances in which the electronic density is controlled by confinement engineering.

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Research Council of Finland; European CommissionFunding program(s)
Research costs of Academy Research Fellow, AoF; Academy Research Fellow, AoF; ERC Starting Grant, HE

The content of the publication reflects only the author’s view. The funder is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
Additional information about funding
The authors acknowledge funding from the European Research Council (ERC-2017-AdG No. 788185, “Artificial Designer Materials,” and ERC-2021-StG No. 101039500, “Tailoring Quantum Matter on the Flatland”) and the Academy of Finland ( Academy Professor Funding Grants No. 318995 and No. 320555 and Academy Research Fellow Grants No. 331342, No. 336243, No. 338478, and No. 346654).License
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