Supervisory discussions during the early childhood education and care student teacher practicum period : the cultural scripts, phases and discourses
Chydenius, H., Ukkonen-Mikkola, T., & Fonsén, E. (2023). Supervisory discussions during the early childhood education and care student teacher practicum period : the cultural scripts, phases and discourses. Early Years: An International Research Journal, Early online.
Published in
Early Years: An International Research JournalDate
Hyvinvoinnin tutkimuksen yhteisöKoulutusjohtaminenSchool of WellbeingEducational LeadershipCopyright
© 2023 the Authors
Practicum periods are an essential part of early childhood education and care (ECEC) teacher training. To support a student’s learning, they need supervision by an expert ECEC teacher to process and analyse information, and supervisory discussions are key forums for that. The aim of this study is to examine the cultural scripts that are identifiable through discourse analysis of supervisory discussions between an ECEC student teacher and a supervising ECEC teacher. In the analysis we focused on the practical cultural script, phases of the supervisory discussions and the structure of the supervisory relationship. The data comprised recorded supervisory discussions. Three discursive phases can be identified in supervisory discussions: (1) the Launching phase, (2) the Reflective phase and (3) the Closing phase. The supervising ECEC teacher is responsible for conducting the discussion and for extending the topics of supervisory discussion. The results of our study show that practices in the ECEC centre dominate supervisory discussions and the role of educational theory remains at the margins. The results further highlight the need to develop collaboration between universities and ECEC centres.
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Additional information about funding
This work was supported by the Opetus- ja Kulttuuriministeriö [OKM/37/523/2019].License
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