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Digitaalisen lukutaidon oppimispelin testaus ja osallistava yhteissuunnittelu maahanmuuttajien aikuiskoulutuksen opettajien kanssa: tutkimusaineisto

dc.contributor.authorMalessa, Eva
dc.contributor.otherNieminen, Lea
dc.contributor.otherHalttunen, Mika
dc.contributor.otherRichardson, Ulla
dc.coverage.temporal2019-11-29 - 2021-05-18
dc.identifier.citationMalessa, Eva. <i>Co-design focused, participatory approach to exploring a digital literacy support serious game with Finnish language and literacy teachers of adult migrants with limited/interrupted formal education experience: research data</i>. V. 20.4.2023. University of Jyväskylä. 10.17011/jyx/dataset/88395
dc.description.abstractMixed data production: Sub-study 1 investigated the role of technology in adult migrant language and late literacy education in Finland. The dataset included an online pre-pandemic survey targeted at Finnish language and literacy teachers and four in-service teacher interviews conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic in late 2020. Survey data of teachers (written data in Finnish) was produced in November 2019. The online teacher survey was motivated to create an indicative overview of the current situation of adult migrant second language and literacy education in Finland. The survey’s interests were the (practical) use of technical equipment in teaching as well as the (pedagogical) use of digital methods and applications. Interview data consists of four written in-service teachers' interview transcripts in Finnish. Four teachers were individually interviewed once. These unstructured, conversational interviews were remotely conducted in Finnish, via Zoom (September-October 2020) to inform teachers about the next sub-study. Duration of transcribed interviews is ca. 140 mins (approx. 19,000 words in total). In sub-study 2, in-service Finnish language and literacy teachers tested, evaluated and re-designed a research version of the literacy support app 'Professori Pörröpää ja Lukukupla' developed by the AllRead research project team at the University of Jyväskylä. This subdataset included interview data of these three teachers working with adult migrants with limited/interrupted formal education experience (10 written interview transcripts in Finnish, including screenshots from the recorded video interviews), individual teachers were interviewed online via Zoom three to four times between September 2020 to May 2021. Three induction interviews were non-structured, seven evaluation interviews were semi-structured. Duration of transcribed interviews ca. 10 h 30 mins.en
dc.description.abstractAineisto sisältää verkkokyselyn ja haastattelut, joilla selvitettiin suomen kielen opettajien näkemyksiä teknologian roolista aikuisten maahanmuuttajien kielenoppimisessa Suomessa. Tutkimus keskittyi käytössä oleviin kielen oppimista ja lukutaitoa edistämään suunniteltuihin opetussovelluksiin ja niiden käyttöön osana pedagogiikkaa. Kysely toteutettiin vuonna 2019 ennen COVID19-pandemiaa ja haastattelut pandemian aikana vuonna 2020. Aineisto sisältää myös opettajien haastattelut, jotka toteutettiin Jyväskylän yliopiston AllRead: Digitaalinen oppimisympäristö GraphoLearn lukutaidon kehitystä tukemassa -tutkimushankkeessa kehitetyn 'Professori Pörröpää ja Lukukupla' -oppimissovelluksen testaus- ja arviointivaiheessa.fi
dc.publisherUniversity of Jyväskyläen
dc.rightsIn Copyright
dc.titleCo-design focused, participatory approach to exploring a digital literacy support serious game with Finnish language and literacy teachers of adult migrants with limited/interrupted formal education experience: research dataen
dc.titleDigitaalisen lukutaidon oppimispelin testaus ja osallistava yhteissuunnittelu maahanmuuttajien aikuiskoulutuksen opettajien kanssa: tutkimusaineistofi
dc.contributor.tiedekuntaFaculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
dc.contributor.tiedekuntaHumanistis-yhteiskuntatieteellinen tiedekunta
dc.contributor.laitosCentre for Applied Language Studies
dc.contributor.laitosSoveltavan kielentutkimuksen keskus
dc.contributor.yliopistoUniversity of Jyväskylä
dc.contributor.yliopistoJyväskylän yliopisto
dc.rights.copyrightMalessa, Eva
dc.subject.ysoparticipatory designen
dc.subject.ysoserious gamesen
dc.subject.ysoeducational technologyen
dc.subject.ysoFinnish as a second languageen
dc.subject.ysoadult educationen
dc.subject.ysoosallistava suunnittelufi
dc.subject.ysosuomi toisena kielenäfi
dc.rights.accessrightsRestricted use due to personal information protection. You can still contact author to ask for a copy of the material.
dc.relation.funderFoundation Botnar
dc.relation.funderFondation Botnar
dc.relation.funderSoveltavan kielentutkimuksen keskus
dc.relation.funderCentre for Applied Language Studies
datacite.isSupplementToMalessa, E. (2023). Technology-enhanced or Technology-exhausted Learning in Adult Migrant Literacy Education in Finland : Exploring Teachers’ Experiences and Views in Pre-pandemic and Pandemic Times. <i>International Journal of Technology in Education and Science</i>, <i>7</i>(2), 104-128. <a href="https://doi.org/10.46328/ijtes.437" target="_blank">https://doi.org/10.46328/ijtes.437</a> <a href="https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/87219">https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/87219</a>
datacite.isSupplementToMalessa, E. (2021). From computer-assisted to technology-enhanced learning : lessons learnt and fast forward toward (digital) literacy of LESLLA learners. In M. D’Agostino, & E. Mocciaro (Eds.), <i>Languages and literacy in new migrations : Research, practice and policy. Selected papers from the 14th Annual Meeting of LESLLA</i> (pp. 327-345). Unipa Press. Proceedings of the Low-Educated Adult Second Language and Literacy Acquisition Symposium. <a href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/123g10kpgbjtRAuOuKDwbnfTtBS_fokcA" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/123g10kpgbjtRAuOuKDwbnfTtBS_fokcA</a>

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