Suomalaisen peruskoulun eriyttämisratkaisun yhteiskunnallisen taustan ja siirtymävaiheen toteutuksen arviointi
1982The purpose of the study was to evaluate by both social and educational research methods, the social background of the development and differentiation in the comprehensive school as well as the results from the transition period. On the basis of the frame of reference the functions of the comprehensive school have been evaluated. Analyses on the municipal level (164 municipalities) have been carried out to elucidate the correlations between background variables describing the regional and social structure and set selections and recruitment to lower secondary schools. The correlations of social factors and selections were in greater detail studied by data collected in nothern Carelia in spring 1977. The subjects were the 8th graders (comprehensive school) and 9th graders (binary school) and their guardians. The sample consisted of 3342 pupils and guardians in 13 municipalities. Crosstabulations, correlation and regression analyses were used in statistical calculations. Educational opportunities have improved to some extent with the comprehensive school. Particulary educational opportunities of girls living in sparse-populated areas have improved if compared with the binary school system. However, educational selections and self-selection in the comprehensive school are still connected in addition to sex factors, to regional and social factors, which affect largely through school success. The effects can most of all be seen in boys and they are emphasized in agricultural and development areas.
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