Controllers’ role in managerial sensemaking and information trust building in a business intelligence environment
Järvenpää, M., Hoque, Z., Mättö, T., & Rautiainen, A. (2023). Controllers’ role in managerial sensemaking and information trust building in a business intelligence environment. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 50, Article 100627.
Digitaalinen liiketoiminta ja talous (painoala)Responsible Management, Learning, Digitalization & StrategyAccounting ChangeKestävä liiketoiminta ja talous (painoala)LaskentatoimiDigital Business and Economy (focus area)Responsible Management, Learning, Digitalization & StrategyAccounting ChangeSustainable Business and Economy (focus area)AccountingCopyright
© 2023 the Authors
This study explores how an organization’s controllers (management accountants) give sense to the information provided by its business intelligence (BI) system, and thus shape the construction of information trust. A qualitative case study was conducted within a Finnish food manufacturing company, building on the notion of trust related to management accounting information and sensemaking theory. The study was informed through open-ended interviews and an examination of internal accounting and management reports. The authors found that the company used an integrated BI system that enabled the production of information in a timely and perceivably standardized manner. Controllers managed this accounting information and gave sense to it, helping deliver a shared understanding of the daily business situation. The findings show that controllers play a pivotal role in building information trust by giving sense to the information provided by the BI system.
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Additional information about funding
The authors would like to thank ... Foundation for Economic Education for the grants we received.License
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