Cyber Security in Healthcare Systems
Lehto, M., Neittaanmäki, P., Pöyhönen, J., & Hummelholm, A. (2022). Cyber Security in Healthcare Systems. In M. Lehto, & P. Neittaanmäki (Eds.), Cyber Security : Critical Infrastructure Protection (pp. 183-215). Springer . Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, 56.
Published in
Computational Methods in Applied SciencesDate
TekniikkaLaskennallinen tiedeComputing, Information Technology and MathematicsTietojärjestelmätiedeEngineeringComputational ScienceComputing, Information Technology and MathematicsInformation Systems ScienceCopyright
© 2022 The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG
Healthcare is a good example of a structure whose complexity has been increased by the general rapid development of technology and digitalization. Digital development has made it possible to provide services in new ways and on a wider scale, in particular through information networks. Today, the healthcare information environment is a networked entity consisting of various ICT systems, medical devices, and clinical systems with an open system structure. Digitalized functions and services are becoming more common in social welfare and healthcare. Their reliability during incidents and emergencies must be ensured. While the digital world offers good opportunities for improving healthcare systems and enhancing disease analysis, we need to look deeper into this. Devices and information systems may not work well together and there are vulnerabilities in people, processes and technology. Thus, a comprehensive approach to healthcare cybersecurity is needed.
SpringerParent publication ISBN
978-3-030-91292-5Is part of publication
Cyber Security : Critical Infrastructure ProtectionISSN Search the Publication Forum
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