Prospects for quarkonium studies at the high-luminosity LHC
Chapon, É., d’Enterria, D., Ducloué, B., Echevarria, M. G., Gossiaux, P.-B., Kartvelishvili, V., Kasemets, T., Lansberg, J.-P., McNulty, R., Price, D. D., Shao, H.-S., Van Hulse, C., Winn, M., Adam, J., An, L., Arrebato Villar, D. Y., Bhattacharya, S., Celiberto, F. G., Cheshkov, C., . . . Zhang, Y. (2022). Prospects for quarkonium studies at the high-luminosity LHC. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 122, Article 103906.
Published in
Progress in Particle and Nuclear PhysicsDate
© 2021 Elsevier B.V.
Prospects for quarkonium-production studies accessible during the upcoming high-luminosity phases of the CERN Large Hadron Collider operation after 2021 are reviewed. Current experimental and theoretical open issues in the field are assessed together with the potential for future studies in quarkonium-related physics. This will be possible through the exploitation of the huge data samples to be collected in proton–proton, proton–nucleus and nucleus–nucleus collisions, both in the collider and fixed-target modes. Such investigations include, among others, those of: (i) J/ψ and Υ produced in association with other hard particles; (ii) χc,b and ηc,b down to small transverse momenta; (iii) the constraints brought in by quarkonia on gluon PDFs, nuclear PDFs, TMDs, GPDs and GTMDs, as well as on the low-x parton dynamics; (iv) the gluon Sivers effect in polarised-nucleon collisions; (v) the properties of the quark-gluon plasma produced in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions and of collective partonic effects in general; and (vi) double and triple parton scatterings.
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Additional information about funding
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No.824093 (STRONG-2020). This project has also received funding from the French ANR under the grant ANR-20-CE31-0015 (“PrecisOnium”). This work was also partly supported by the French CNRS via the IN2P3 project GLUE@NLO, via the Franco-Chinese LIA FCPPL (Quarkonium4AFTER), via the IEA No.205210 (“GlueGraph”) and “Excitonium”, by the Paris-Saclay U. via the P2I Department and by the P2IO Labex via the Gluodynamics project. D.Y.A.V. and P.B.G. acknowledge the support of the “Région Pays de la Loire” under the contract No. 2015-08473. M.A.O.’s work was partly supported by the ERC grant 637019 “MathAm”. The work of B.D. has been supported by the ERC Starting Grant 715049 “QCDforfuture”. C.V.H. has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska–Curie grant agreement No 792684. The work of F.G.C. has been supported by the Italian MIUR under the FARE program (code n. R16XKPHL3N, 3DGLUE), of U.D. and C.P. by Fondazione di Sardegna under the projects “Quarkonium at LHC energies”, No. F71I17000160002 (University of Cagliari) and ”Proton tomography at the LHC”, No. F72F20000220007 (University of Cagliari). D.P. is supported by the Science and Technology Facilities Council under grants ST/M005437/1 and ST/N000374/1. The work of S.B. has been supported by the National Science Foundation under Contract No. PHY-1516088. J.-W.Q and K.W. are supported by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U.S. DOE Contract No.DE-AC05-06OR23177. This work is also supported within the framework of the TMD Topical Collaboration. The work of V.K. was supported in part by the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia (SRNSFG) under grant FR17-184. M.G.E. is supported by the Spanish MICINN grant PID2019-106080GB-C21. E.G.F. is supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain under project FPA2017-83814-P; Unidad de Excelencia María de Maetzu under project MDM-2016-0692; and Xunta de Galicia (Consellería de Educación) and FEDER. J. He is partly supported by NSFC (No. 11775227). E. Chapon is supported by MoST (No. 2018YFA0403901) and NSFC (No. 11875275, 12061141003) and partially by CCEPP (China). The work of M.N. has been supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia via the State assignment to educational and research institutions under the project FSSS-2020-0014. S.B. would like to thank Andreas Metz for insightful discussions, and Jian Zhou for the collaboration. F.G.C. thanks Alessandro Bacchetta, Alessandro Papa, and Michael Fucilla for fruitful conversations.![showless](/themes/JYX2//images/showless.png)
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