Näytä suppeat kuvailutiedot

dc.contributor.authorKrupovic, Mart
dc.contributor.authorTurner, Dann
dc.contributor.authorMorozova, Vera
dc.contributor.authorDyall-Smith, Mike
dc.contributor.authorOksanen, Hanna M.
dc.contributor.authorEdwards, Rob
dc.contributor.authorDutilh, Bas E.
dc.contributor.authorLehman, Susan M.
dc.contributor.authorReyes, Alejandro
dc.contributor.authorBaquero, Diana P.
dc.contributor.authorSullivan, Matthew B.
dc.contributor.authorUchiyama, Jumpei
dc.contributor.authorNakavuma, Jesca
dc.contributor.authorBarylski, Jakub
dc.contributor.authorYoung, Mark J.
dc.contributor.authorDu, Shishen
dc.contributor.authorAlfenas-Zerbini, Poliane
dc.contributor.authorKushkina, Alla
dc.contributor.authorKropinski, Andrew M.
dc.contributor.authorKurtböke, Ipek
dc.contributor.authorBrister, J. Rodney
dc.contributor.authorLood, Cédric
dc.contributor.authorSarkar, B. L.
dc.contributor.authorYigang, Tong
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Ying
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Li
dc.contributor.authorWittmann, Johannes
dc.contributor.authorChanishvili, Nina
dc.contributor.authorvan Zyl, Leonardo J.
dc.contributor.authorRumnieks, Janis
dc.contributor.authorMochizuki, Tomohiro
dc.contributor.authorJalasvuori, Matti
dc.contributor.authorAziz, Ramy K.
dc.contributor.authorŁobocka, Małgorzata
dc.contributor.authorStedman, Kenneth M.
dc.contributor.authorShkoporov, Andrey N.
dc.contributor.authorGillis, Annika
dc.contributor.authorPeng, Xu
dc.contributor.authorEnault, François
dc.contributor.authorKnezevic, Petar
dc.contributor.authorLavigne, Rob
dc.contributor.authorRhee, Sung-Keun
dc.contributor.authorCvirkaite-Krupovic, Virginija
dc.contributor.authorMoraru, Cristina
dc.contributor.authorMoreno Switt, Andrea I.
dc.contributor.authorPoranen, Minna M.
dc.contributor.authorMillard, Andrew
dc.contributor.authorPrangishvili, David
dc.contributor.authorAdriaenssens, Evelien M.
dc.identifier.citationKrupovic, M., Turner, D., Morozova, V., Dyall-Smith, M., Oksanen, H. M., Edwards, R., Dutilh, B. E., Lehman, S. M., Reyes, A., Baquero, D. P., Sullivan, M. B., Uchiyama, J., Nakavuma, J., Barylski, J., Young, M. J., Du, S., Alfenas-Zerbini, P., Kushkina, A., Kropinski, A. M., . . . Adriaenssens, E. M. (2021). Bacterial Viruses Subcommittee and Archaeal Viruses Subcommittee of the ICTV : update of taxonomy changes in 2021. <i>Archives of Virology</i>, <i>166</i>(11), 3239-3244. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s00705-021-05205-9" target="_blank">https://doi.org/10.1007/s00705-021-05205-9</a>
dc.description.abstractIn this article, we – the Bacterial Viruses Subcommittee and the Archaeal Viruses Subcommittee of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) – summarise the results of our activities for the period March 2020 – March 2021. We report the division of the former Bacterial and Archaeal Viruses Subcommittee in two separate Subcommittees, welcome new members, a new Subcommittee Chair and Vice Chair, and give an overview of the new taxa that were proposed in 2020, approved by the Executive Committee and ratified by vote in 2021. In particular, a new realm, three orders, 15 families, 31 subfamilies, 734 genera and 1845 species were newly created or redefined (moved/promoted).en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesArchives of Virology
dc.rightsCC BY 4.0
dc.titleBacterial Viruses Subcommittee and Archaeal Viruses Subcommittee of the ICTV : update of taxonomy changes in 2021
dc.typejournal article
dc.contributor.laitosBio- ja ympäristötieteiden laitosfi
dc.contributor.laitosDepartment of Biological and Environmental Scienceen
dc.contributor.oppiaineBiologisten vuorovaikutusten huippututkimusyksikköfi
dc.contributor.oppiaineSolu- ja molekyylibiologiafi
dc.contributor.oppiaineCentre of Excellence in Biological Interactions Researchen
dc.contributor.oppiaineCell and Molecular Biologyen
dc.rights.copyright© The Author(s) 2021
dc.subject.ysosystematiikka (biologia)
jyx.fundinginformationV.M. was supported by Russian Ministry of Education and Science Project No. 0245-2021-0008; H.M.O. was supported by University of Helsinki funding for FINStruct and Instruct-ERIC research infrastructure; R.A.E. was supported by the National Institute Of Diabetes And Digestive And Kidney Diseases of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number RC2DK116713; B.E.D. was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator grant 865694: DiversiPHI; M.B.S. was supported by National Science Foundation Advances in Biological Infrastructure award #1758974; M.Y. acknowledges funding by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation grant GBMF9195; S.D. was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of of China grant 32070032; C.L. is supported by the Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (1S64718N); L.H. was funded by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Award XDB42000000,National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) grant 31970170; T.M. was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers 21H02100, 19H04827, 18K14372, and JST JPMJJR2005, and SUMITOMO Fund 200673; MJ is supported by Academy of Finland grants #336518 and #297049 and Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation; R.K.A. is supported by the Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) project #3046 (JESOR); M.L. is supported by the statutory funds for the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences; K.M.S. is supported by the US. National Science Foundation (MCB1929273 and MCB2025305); A.N.S. is supported by Wellcome Trust Research Career Development Fellowship (220646/Z/20/Z) and by European Research Council (ERC) grant under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement 101001684); X.P. is supported by Novo Nordisk Foundation/Hallas-Møller Ascending Investigator Grant (grant number NNF17OC0031154) and the Danish Council for Independent Research/FNU (grant number DFF–0135-00402); S.K.R. was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grants funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning (2021R1A2C3004015); C.M. acknowledges funding by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft within the Collaborative Research Center TRR51 Roseobacter (INST 184/170-1); M.M.P. acknowledges funding from the Academy of Finland (grant 331627) and the Sigrid Juselius Foundation; E.M.A. gratefully acknowledges funding by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC); this research was funded by the BBSRC Institute Strategic Programme Gut Microbes and Health BB/R012490/1 and its constituent projects BBS/E/F/000PR10353 and BBS/E/F/000PR10356.

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Näytä suppeat kuvailutiedot

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