Associations of fitness, motor competence, and adiposity with the indicators of physical activity intensity during different physical activities in children
Haapala, E. A., Gao, Y., Hartikainen, J., Rantalainen, T., & Finni, T. (2021). Associations of fitness, motor competence, and adiposity with the indicators of physical activity intensity during different physical activities in children. Scientific Reports, 11, Article 12521.
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Scientific ReportsDate
Gerontologia ja kansanterveysBiomekaniikkaLiikuntalääketiedeGerontology and Public HealthBiomechanicsSports and Exercise MedicineCopyright
© The Author(s) 2021
We investigated the associations of peak oxygen uptake (V̇O2peak), ventilatory threshold (VT), muscle strength, motor competence (MC), and adiposity with the indicators of PA intensity during different physical activities used to create absolute PA intensity cut-offs among 35 children 7–11-years-of-age. V̇O2peak was defined as the highest V̇O2 achieved in the maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) on a cycle ergometer, self-paced running, or running on a treadmill at 8 km/h. VT was defined from the CPET data. Peak isometric knee extensor and flexor strength was assessed by a dynamometer, MC by the Körperkoordination test für Kinder tests, and body composition by the bioelectrical impedance analysis. PA intensity was assessed using V̇O2 as a % of V̇O2reserve or V̇O2 at VT, mean amplitude deviation (MAD) measured by accelerometry, metabolic equivalent of task (MET), and muscle activity measured by textile electromyography during walking or running on a treadmill at 4, 6, and 8 km/h, playing hopscotch, walking up and down the stairs, self-paced walking, and self-paced running. Children with lower V̇O2peak, V̇O2 at VT, and MC operated at higher intensity level during given physical task than their peers with higher fitness and MC when PA intensity was expressed using relative PA intensity using V̇O2 as a % of V̇O2reserve or V̇O2 at VT (p < 0.05). MAD and METs during different tasks were not able to discriminate PA intensity between children with varying levels of physical fitness or MC. Traditionally used absolute measures of PA intensity based on accelerometry or MET underestimated PA intensity in children with lower V̇O2peak, V̇O2 at VT, and MC.

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This study was funded by Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland (OKM/59/626/2016).License
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