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dc.contributor.authorTakkinen, Sanna
dc.description.abstractThis study examined the relationship between meaning in life and functioning in old age: Firstly, the relationship between meaning in life and cognitive functioning was investigated. Secondly, the role of physical activity for enhancing meaning in life and physical health and functioning was studied. Thirdly, the role of meaning in life was examined by applying two models of functioning: a multidimensional model of functioning and a model based on Antonovsky's theory. In addition, the interrelationships between several meaning-in-life measures were investigated. The study was part of the Evergreen project, a longitudinal, multidisciplinary research programme which studies people aged 65 - 92 in Jyväskylä, central Finland. The sample sizes of the present study varied from 55 to 320. The participants were interviewed and some of them attended a medical examination and laboratory tests designed to assessing physical, psychological and social functioning. Meaning in life was measured by interview questions, a questionnaire and a life-line drawing. The results showed that the degree of meaning in life was independent of the level of cognitive functioning. However, the content of meaning in life was related to cognitive functioning: persons with high cognitive functioning mentioned human relationships more often as a reason for meaning in life and a source of strength in life than the comparison group. Those persons with high cognitive functioning had also more often found a new field of activity giving meaning in life after retirement and this new activity was more likely to be a social activity. Physical activity was an important factor enhancing meaning in life: persons exercising frequently had a stronger sense of meaning in life and in turn rated their physical health and functioning better. The multidimensional model of functioning showed that the different measures of meaning in life were related to both physical and psychosocial functioning. The relationships were stronger with respect to subjective than objective functioning. A stronger meaning in life was related most closely to such aspects of functioning as fewer depressive symptoms, greater satisfaction with life, less frequent sense of loneliness and better self-rated health. In Antonovsky's model, important background factors facilitating the sense of coherence were cognitive functioning and physical exercise in the whole sample and being married or cohabiting in men. A strong sense of coherence enhanced in turn physical and especially psychological and social health and functioning. The interrelationships between several measures of meaning in life showed that the sense of meaning in life was related to change in zest for life and to sense of coherence. Representing one's life by a linear line and upward trend in the life-line drawing was related to a stronger sense of coherence. A higher life-line was related to a stronger sense of meaning in life.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJyväskylä Studies in Education, Psychology and Social Research
dc.relation.haspart<b>Artikkeli I:</b> Takkinen, S., & Ruoppila, I. (2001). Meaning in life in three samples of elderly persons with high cognitive functioning. <i>International Journal of Aging and Human Development83, 133–145.</i> DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.2190/WBUG-NRKM-XJ7A-5QWP"target="_blank"> 10.2190/WBUG-NRKM-XJ7A-5QWP </a>
dc.relation.haspart<b>Artikkeli II:</b> Takkinen, S., Ruoppila, I., & Suutama, T. (2001). More meaning by exercising? Physical activity as a predictor of a sense of meaning in life and of self-rated health and functioning in old age. <i>Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 9(2), 128-141.</i> DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1123/japa.9.2.128"target="_blank"> 10.1123/japa.9.2.128</a>
dc.relation.haspart<b>Artikkeli III:</b> Takkinen, S., & Ruoppila, I. (2001). Meaning in life as an important component of functioning in old age. <i>The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 53(3), 211-231.</i> DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.2190/H6H6-YAT0-181Y-5BR3"target="_blank"> 10.2190/H6H6-YAT0-181Y-5BR3</a>
dc.relation.haspart<b>Artikkeli IV:</b> Takkinen, S., Aunola, K., Feldt, T., Leinonen, R., & Ruoppila, I. (2005). The relations between generalized resistance resources, sense of coherence and health among elderly Finnish people. <i>European Psychologist, 10, 244-253.</i> DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1027/1016-9040.10.3.244"target="_blank"> 10.1027/1016-9040.10.3.244</a>
dc.rightsIn Copyright
dc.subjectelämän tarkoitus
dc.subjectfyysinen kunto
dc.subjectpsykososiaaliset tekijät
dc.subjectvanhusten asema
dc.subjectactivities of daily living
dc.subjectquality of life
dc.subjectcapability to function
dc.subjectmeaning of life
dc.subjectold age
dc.titleMeaning in life and its relation to functioning in old age

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